Bladder prolapse, medically known as cystocele, is a prevalent urological condition, primarily affecting women. In this article, one of the top urologists in Delhi provides an in-depth understanding of bladder prolapse, exploring its complex causes, varied symptoms, detailed diagnostic processes, and treatment as per hospital in Delhi.

What is Bladder Prolapse?

Bladder prolapse happens when the bladder “falls” into the vaginal wall due to weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments.

Think of the bladder like a small balloon, and the vagina as a stretchy bag that holds it in place. When the support muscles and tissues around the bladder weaken, it can start to sag or bulge into the vagina.

Factors contribute to Vaginal wall weakening

Urologist explains the factors that lead to weakening of the Vaginal wall below:

  • Childbirth: The impact of childbirth on pelvic muscles is visible. Multiple pregnancies and vaginal deliveries can increase the risk of bladder prolapse.
  • Aging: As women age, there’s a natural weakening of the muscles and tissues that support pelvic organs.
  • Menopause: Hormonal fluctuations during menopause contribute to a loss of pelvic muscle tone.
  • Chronic Constipation or Heavy Lifting: Chronic straining during bowel movements or lifting heavy objects places substantial stress on pelvic muscles.

What happens when those muscles and tissues become weak or stretched:

  • Weakened Support: The hammock-like muscles and tissues that support the bladder start to lose their strength. This can occur due to childbirth, aging, or heavy lifting.
  • Bladder Descends: When these supporting structures weaken, the bladder can begin to sink down.
  • As the bladder sags, it can lead to various symptoms. Some people may feel a sense of pressure or fullness in the pelvis. Others might notice a bulge or lump in the vaginal area. Urinary problems, like leaking urine or difficulty controlling it, can also occur.
  • Discomfort: The bladder’s descent can sometimes cause discomfort, like backaches or lower abdominal discomfort. It can even affect sexual intercourse for some people

Knowing these Symptoms of Bladder Prolapse

The symptoms of bladder prolapse can vary greatly and are often interconnected.

  • Pelvic Pressure and Fullness: Understanding the sensations of pelvic pressure and fullness, and their connection to the extent of prolapse, is essential. When someone experiences “pelvic pressure and fullness,” it’s like feeling that this pelvic area is carrying an extra weight or burden. It’s a sensation of heaviness, tightness, or even a feeling of fullness, as if something is pressing down in the lower part of your belly.
  • Urinary Incontinence: Urinary incontinence is when you have trouble controlling your urine or pee. It’s like a leaky faucet; you might experience unexpected and involuntary urine leakage. Imagine you’re in a situation where you need to use the bathroom, but you can’t hold it in until you get there. That’s when urinary incontinence happens. It can range from a few drops to a more significant leak. There are different types of urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal Bulge: A vaginal bulge is when you(female) feel or see a lump or swelling in your vaginal area. It’s as if something is sticking out or protruding from the vagina. For factors like weakened pelvic muscles or tissue damage, a part of your vaginal wall may push out, creating a noticeable lump or bulge. This bulge can vary in size and shape. It might feel like a soft mass or a firmer lump, and it can be uncomfortable or even painful at times
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are bacterial infections that affect any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), and the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body).
  • Sexual Discomfort: Sexual discomfort due to bladder prolapse refers to physical or emotional discomfort or pain experienced during sexual intercourse as a result of a prolapsed bladder
  • Backache and Abdominal discomfort are also symptoms of this problem.


Diagnosing bladder prolapse needs the following tests:

  • Medical History: Comprehensive questioning about previous pregnancies, childbirth, and surgeries is essential. A more in-depth analysis of the historical factors can aid in diagnosis.
  • Pelvic Examination: A pelvic examination, also known as a pelvic exam or pelvic checkup, is a medical procedure in which a doctor examines a person’s pelvic organs and the surrounding structures. This examination is performed by a gynecologist or urologist.
  • Urodynamic Tests: Urodynamic tests are a group of diagnostic procedures used to evaluate the function and efficiency of the urinary system. These tests are also performed by urologists and urogynecologists, to diagnose and assess urinary conditions and disorders

Treatment of Bladder Prolapse in Delhi

Treatment choices for bladder prolapse are diverse and contingent on the severity of the condition:

  • Lifestyle Modifications: In-depth explanations of lifestyle changes, such as Kegel exercises and weight management, provide patients with a comprehensive understanding of non-invasive approaches.
  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, often referred to as pelvic floor rehabilitation or pelvic floor therapy, is a specialized therapy focused on the assessment and treatment of conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles play a essential role in supporting pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum. Pelvic floor physical therapy helps in a wide range of pelvic problems in women.
  • Pessary Use: If you are looking for treatment of bladder prolapse withot surgery than this option can help. Pessary use for bladder prolapse is a non-surgical treatment option. A pessary is a medical device that is inserted into the vagina to provide support for the pelvic organs, including the bladder.
  • Surgery for bladder prolapse: Surgery for bladder prolapse, also known as cystocele repair or anterior vaginal wall repair, is a treatment option considered when conservative approaches do not provide relief or when the prolapse is severe. Surgical procedures aim to correct the anatomical and functional issues associated with bladder prolapse.

Why Choose Madhuban Kidney Care for urology treatment in Delhi?

Madhuban Kidney Care’s expertise, technology, patient-centric approach, and convenient location underscores the hospital’s strengths. Schedule your appointment today and get a checkup with the best urologist in Delhi.

The Comprehensive Madhuban Kidney Centre Kidney Hospital in Delhi NCR has been established by two experts from the field of Renal Sciences so that every required Care can be offered to a person who has been suffering from a continuum of diseases under the same roof.

For curing Kidney disease effectively, the coordination of both the Urology and Nephrology Department is impertinent.


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