Kidney stones are small, hard mineral deposits that can occur within the kidneys. If you have ever had one, you understand how painful it can be. People frequently look for natural remedies to avoid or relieve the discomfort of kidney stones, and you might have heard that drinking beer can help.

The concept that beer helps with kidney stones is not new. It has been years, and some swear by it as a home remedy. Is there any truth to this claim? Can drinking a cold beer make a difference, or is it just another myth?

In this blog, a urologist in Delhi is going to discuss about htis popular belief. We will explore what kidney stone are, look at how beer might treat kidney stone or not do it, and see what the science has to say. By the end, you will have a clearer picture of whether reaching for a beer is good for your kidney health.

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are hard, pebble-like deposits of material that occur in one or both kidneys. They can range in size from a single grain of sand to a golf ball. These stones, composed of minerals and salts, form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances—such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid—than the fluid in your urine can dilute.

Imagine your kidney as a blood filter. Filtered chemicals can occasionally cluster together to create small, hard stones. Most of the time, these stones travel through your urinary tract and leave your body without your knowledge. However, larger stones can become lodged and obstruct the passage of urine, causing significant pain and suffering.

Common signs of kidney stones are:

  • Sharp ache in the back or side.
  • Pain when you urinate
  • Urine that is cloudy or smells bad.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Frequent urge to pee.

Kidney stones can form for several different reasons. Dehydration is a big component since it increases the concentration of your urine, making it easier for stones to form. Your food, weight, medical conditions, and even some medications can all contribute to the production of kidney stones.

Beer and kidney stone 

You may have heard that drinking beer helps with kidney stones. This theory has been around for a while, and many people believe it. But let’s break it down to determine if it’s correct.

Where did this idea come from? 

The assumption that beer can help with kidney stone probably stems from a 2 ideas: 

  • Diuretic Effect: Beer, like other alcoholic beverages, can cause you to pee more. It is known as a diuretic effect. The theory is that if you pee more, you will wash away little kidney stones before they get larger and create difficulties. 
  • Relaxation and Pain Relief: Some people believe that the relaxing effects of alcohol might assist in alleviating the discomfort and pain associated with passing a kidney stone.

What do we know about beer and kidney stones by a urologist?

  • Increased Urine Flow: Drinking beer may cause you to urinate more frequently, making it easier to pass tiny stones. However, it is crucial to highlight that consuming water might improve urine flow without the hazards associated with alcohol.
  • Alcohol and Dehydration: Beer can boost pee output, but it can also dehydrate you. Dehydration increases the risk of getting kidney stones. So, drinking beer may work against you if it causes dehydration. 
  • Lack of Scientific Proof: There is not much good scientific data to support the notion that beer can help with kidney stones. The majority of what we know comes from personal stories, not controlled scientific investigations.

Should You Drink Beer to Treat Kidney Stones?

  • Health Risks: Relying on beer to treat kidney stones can be hazardous. Other health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption include liver damage, high blood pressure, and addiction. 
  • Better alternatives: Urologists and Nephrologists typically recommend drinking enough water to help avoid and treat kidney stones. Water enhances urine flow without the adverse effects of alcohol. 

What does a urologist in Delhi say about this? 

Kidney doctors and urologists advise against using beer to treat kidney stones. They recommend drinking water and other non-alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated and assist flush out stones.


Kidney stone treatment is the same for both children and adults. You need to drink a lot of water. Doctors attempt to let the stone pass without surgery. You also get medicine to help make your urine less acidic. However, if it is excessively large, obstructs the passage of urine, or shows signs of infection, surgery is required to remove it.

Shock-wave lithotripsy is a noninvasive therapy that uses high-energy sound waves to break up stones into smaller bits that can then be passed out in the urine. Ureteroscopy involves inserting an endoscope through the ureter to retrieve or eliminate the stone.

How to prevent kidney stones?

Drinking enough fluids will help to make your urine less concentrated with waste materials. Darker pee is more concentrated, therefore if you are well hydrated, your urine should be light yellow to clear. Water should account for the majority of your fluid intake. Most people should drink more than 12 glasses of water each day. Consult with a kidney specialist expert about how much water is best for you. Water outperforms soda, sports drinks, and coffee/tea. If you exercise or it’s hot outside, drink extra. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be used sparingly.

Eat more fruits and vegetables to make your pee less acidic. When urine is less acidic, stones may be less likely to develop. Animal protein causes more acidic urine, which increases the risk of kidney stones.

Check best diet for kidney stone here

So, does beer assist with kidney stones? The concept has been around for a long time, but there is no solid scientific evidence to support it. While beer may cause you to pee more, which could aid in the passage of tiny stones, it also increases the risk of dehydration and other health problems. Drinking water is a far safer and more effective strategy to prevent and treat kidney stones.

In short, instead of relying on beer to fix your kidney stone problems, stick to tried-and-true measures like staying hydrated with water and following your doctor’s advice.

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